Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to constantly improve their operations to remain competitive in a highly competitive market. For these companies, logistics management often represents a real challenge. But there's no need to worry! Solutions do exist: such as adopting a WMS (Warehouse Management System) to manage warehouses as effectively as possible. In this article, we look at why SMEs should adopt a WMS for their logistics, a tool that can make all the difference!


A WMS, or Warehouse Management System, enables complete management of logistics flows in real time. Its many functions include:


1️⃣ Stock management. Tracking incoming and outgoing goods, controlling stock levels and managing warehouse locations.

2️⃣ Order preparation. Optimise picking and reduce the risk of errors.

3️⃣ Product traceability. Track batch/series numbers and dates (BBD, SLED).

4️⃣ Automate tasks. Reduce time-consuming manual intervention, reduce the risk of errors and cut operating costs.


Implementing a WMS can be a good solution for SMEs that are looking to improve their warehouse management.


Optimising logistics flows. A WMS makes it possible to organise and optimise storage space in the warehouse, while reducing unnecessary movements by warehouse staff.

Reduce costs. Automating some operations can considerably reduce the costs of logistics operations. This is particularly true of costs generated by errors, over- or under-stocking and late deliveries.

Real-time visibility. Using a WMS gives you real-time visibility of stock levels, as well as ensuring optimum traceability.

Improve customer satisfaction. Thanks to real-time monitoring of stock movements, it is possible to anticipate customer needs and respond to them more easily and more quickly.


ou might think that the use of a WMS is only reserved for large companies... But no! Quite the contrary. SMEs also face major logistics challenges and issues. To meet these challenges, WMSs such as Satelix Logistics are perfectly suited to SMEs and their growth.


ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, is a software package used to manage all a company's processes, according to their needs (finance, purchasing, sales, etc.).

Thanks to customised connectors, WMSs can interface with different ERPs. This enables them to synchronise data from logistics operations (receiving, stock movements, inventories, shipping, etc.) and achieve optimum stock management. This interconnection means that warehouse logistics flows can be optimised and improved, for example by updating stock levels in real time.


As we all know, inventories are compulsory for all companies, large and small alike. Often seen as a stressful and costly period, stocktaking represents a challenge every year!


Using a WMS during stocktaking enables you to:

👉🏻 Reduce the risk of errors.  The risk of errors in a manual inventory can be as high as 3%.

👉🏻 Save time. Manual inventories take 3x longer than automated inventories with a WMS.

👉🏻 Reduce costs. Automating inventories can reduce operational costs by up to 30%.


From the outset, the Satelix Logistics WMS has been designed for SMEs. It is specifically developed to meet their needs, offering a flexible, modular solution that adapts to their day-to-day logistics challenges.

The Satelix Logistics WMS manages goods flows in real time, optimises storage space and automates tasks such as receiving, order preparation and dispatch. Thanks to its native integration with the main ERP systems (Sage, EBP, Cegid), the Satelix Logistics WMS ensures seamless synchronisation between the warehouse and the company's commercial management, eliminating manual re-entry and improving product traceability.

Finally, as well as optimising processes, it offers an intuitive, ergonomic interface that makes it easy for teams to adopt, and provides personalised technical support to ensure rapid, efficient implementation.


So, what are you waiting for? 👇🏻


Discover the Satelix Logistics WMS