You are a SME with one or more warehouses and warehouse staff ? Goods receipts and order picking hold no secrets for you. However, as you know on a daily basis, nothing is ever perfect…
Why choose a logistics solution ?
Manage your goods flows
- Tracking receipts, orders and deliveries
- Controlling cash flow and costs
- Make the inventory of stocks more reliable
- Controlling peaks in activity

Organising my warehouse
- Optimise processes
- Rationalise the layout according to real needs
- Facilitate the work of warehouse staff
- Increase productivity
Securing my logistics
- Technologically equip the teams
- Commit to the traceability of documents and goods
- Compliance with regulatory standards (traceability, batch, etc.)

Satisfying my clients
- Reduction in the rate of delivery errors
- Visibility of product availability
- Reactivity of the teams
Satelix Logistique, the solution to manage your flows

Satelix Logistique is a solution designed for companies faced with the need to improve their logistics. Completely modular, operational and adapted to the daily needs of SMEs, it will effectively meet your expectations and warehouse problems. With Satelix, you develop a professional logistics strategy, in line with your ERP.