Inventories consist of identifying and counting the company's stocks, as well as providing an overall view of the company's financial situation. It provides an overall view of stock levels. Inventories also allow to identify any differences between theorical and actual stock levels. It is a mandatory operation for all companies and takes place at different times depending on their specific needs. Inventories therefore represent a major logistical challenge, and we will see why in this second case study.


Time-consuming inventories

M* is a company specialising in the distribution of medical devices 💊 In the medical sector, which requires precision and efficiency, stock management is a major challenge. That is why Company M turned to the Satelix solution.

*Company voluntarily anonymised.


Company M encounters several problems when carrying out its inventories:

  1. Many employees are involved in inventories, which is carried out by hand, using paper and pencil.
  2. As a result, the company must close temporarily, leading to a drop in sales.
  3. The accounting process is particularly long and tedious, especially for items with serial numbers, which requires multiple entries.
  4. Errors are frequent and manual re-entry increases the risk.
  5. The inventory period is experienced as stressful and costly.


Making logistics inventory operations easier

With the introduction of the Satelix Logistics WMS, company M has seen a real change. The use of barcode terminals for inventories has made it possible to:

  • Reduce the number of staff required, thanks to a much more efficient counting system.
  • Make the process smoother and less error-prone by scanning barcodes and serial numbers.
  • Save time thanks to much faster data entry, eliminating the need for manual re-entries and the errors that were previously associated with them.


Advantages of Satelix Logistics for your inventories

One of the main benefits is the ability to set up rotating inventories. This approach enables stocks to be checked on an ongoing basis, improving product accuracy and availability. What’s more, the automatic synchronization of inventory data in the ERP system ensures that information is updated in real time, eliminating delays and transcription errors.


👉🏻 Thanks to the implementation of the Satelix Logistics WMS, company M is now able to take a calmer approach to its inventories. Errors have been considerably reduced, making stocks more accurate and reliable. Using Satelix has not only optimised the inventory process, it has also enabled the company to reduce its costs and improve its operational efficiency.


Would you also like to optimise your inventories? Our experts are here to help. Request a free demonstration of our WMS!

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🤫 Heyyyy…

Join us on 26 September for the launch of our second edition of Scope by Satelix, a 100% logistics magazine. In it, you'll find a special report on inventory, where we give you all our advice and tips on how to make this operation a success.